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Project Strategies and Evaluation Methods for Contemporary Social Housing - The Plan Journal Volume

Il nostro percorso di ricerca pluriennale si fonda sul continuo confronto tra intuizioni progettuali e spazio costruito, tra l'aspirazione di corrispondere alle aspettative dei futuri abitanti e capacità di interpretare la realtà quotidiana. Da questi presupposti nasce il paper "Project Strategies and Evaluation Methods for Contemporary Social Housing", premiato con l'Honorable Mention in occasione del 2015 THE PLAN Best Paper Award contest.

Siamo orgogliose di comunicarvi che da oggi potrete leggere l'articolo sul The Plan Journal, rivista digitale di architettura, Volume I, Issue I.

Riportiamo di seguito l'abstract.

"The deep social transformations occurred in the last decades have deeply affected the patterns of urban living. In this sense, experimentation on housing plays the dual role of investigation and validation of our hypothesis that residential space should reflect new life-styles. At the beginning of the 21st century, social housing represents the main field for experimentation.

In the current architectural scenario, many interesting experimentations on contemporary housing can be observed.

The approach proposed in this article starts with post-occupancy evaluation of some case-studies extracted from extensive research on European case-studies realized projects. It then analyzes the results of such evaluation to abstract issues concerning different aspects of contemporary living that could be coped at the design level. This method combines spatial and typological research, issues about housing and planning approaches developed by the promoters of the case-studies discussed. Providing quality social housing involves the coordination of multiple actors and synergies."

Romina Marvaldi, Elisabetta Pani

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